Monday 13 December 2010

RWD magazine contents analysis

Route of the eye:
The first thing the eye see’s on the contents page for RWD are images of singers that the target audience will immediately recognise. You then go on to read ‘contents’ and finally the features in the magazine.

Principle of thirds:
The principle of thirds contains images of singers and what the magazine has on each page. The actual contents aren’t laid out very well, because it’s in a big chunk, so is hard to distinguish which page is which.

On the two top hotspots for the contents page, there are images which will appeal to the target audience, and then on the bottom left one, Contents is written in large writing, drawing attention to it, so people know what it is. The bottom right doesn’t have anything to focus on.

There is a selection of fonts used on the contents page, they are used to make things stand out etc. ‘Contents’ is written in a large bold font, and is the biggest on the page. It then goes onto the ‘regulars’ which as a sub heading is slightly bolder than the normal text, as is ‘features’ The list of contents in the magazine are written in a relatively small normal font and the page numbers are bold to distinguish the difference.

Mode of address:
The mode of address for this magazine is informal, and aimed at an older audience. We know this because there aren’t really any full sentences on the cover, and the layout is neat, which would appeal more to an older more mature music rather than younger children.

The colours used for the contents page are very basic and clean. The background is mainly white, broken up by photographs to give it a bit of an edge. All the text is written in black, keeping with the simplistic look.

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