Friday 26 November 2010

RWD magazine cover analysis.

Route of the eye:
The first thing the eye see’s on RWD magazine cover, is the title. It is written in a large font. You then go on to see the image, which is of singer Example, the audience will immediately recognise him, and should be persuaded to purchase the magazine. The final thing you see on the route of the eye is EXAMPLE, this is written in a large font, just to confirm who the image is of.

Principle of thirds:
The middle principle of thirds has Example in it, then either side there are cover stories that will appeal to the target audience.


The top two hotspots have interesting story lines on, that will attract the target market, whereas the bottom left hotspot doesn’t have anything grabbing near to it. The bottom right hotspot has the adidas logo near it, which could potentially be an advertising campaign.

All of the fonts on the front cover are the same style, except the title which is written in a different font, this is done so that attention is drawn to it, and  people associate the font used to produce the title with the magazine.

The colours used for the front cover of this magazine all compliment each other, there is a selection of blues used, and the white mixed in with the background goes with the white writing. There is also a bit of red/orange writing which matches the logo and strings on the adidas hoodie. The background is really unique, and not something you see in many magazines, making it stand out and appealing. The background also fits in with the cover story ‘Blinded by the lights’ because it looks like lights.

Mode of address:
The mode of address for this magazine is informal, and aimed at an older audience. We know this because there aren’t really any full sentences on the cover, and the layout is neat, which would appeal more to an older more mature music rather than younger children.

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