Monday 13 December 2010

Questionnaire results

The majority of the people who took my survey were between the ages of 16 and 20. This is who the target audience that my magazine is going to be aimed at.

The results for the gender question in my survey shows that it is almost 50/50 therefore my magazine will be aimed at both genders.

There is a varied choice in preferred genre of music, but hip hop won by one vote, therefore my magazine will be based on hip hop and other similar genres.

The majority of the people taking my survey chose example as their favourite artist, this has given me ideas of what type of person I will need to put on the front cover and double page spread etc to appeal to my target audience.

There is not a distinct answer for the amount of time a magazine should be published, but I think fortnightly would be the most suitable time, because it I s in between the two answers that got the most votes, although fortnightly only got one vote its self. The reason I think that this would be the most suitable date is because monthly is too long to not update people about gigs etc, and there wont be enough new information for it to be published weekly.

Again, there is no preferred price for the magazine, but I feel that around £2.00 would be a suitable price, also this will allow more money to be spent on the production of the magazine, making it possible to produce a high quality magazine. Also, it is a suitable price for a magazine that is going to be published fortnightly, as it isn’t too expensive.

My target audience would like a variety of things included in the magazine, although interviews were the most popular answer. I will try and include all of the above in my magazine to make it appealing to the target audience. The person who wrote an answer down suggested that Example had his own column, this shows that the people reading it would like a well known artist to appear repeatedly in the magazine.

There wasn’t a decided favourite music magazine, therefore this makes it slightly difficult to chose one to base my ideas around. I will select a few magazines from my chosen genre and take inspiration from them.

My target audience didn’t have a preferred language style, but I think that informal is the best approach to take, as it will fit in with the style of my magazine more.


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