Monday 13 December 2010


The magazine that I have chosen to look at is NME as it is similar to the magazine I will be producing, in respect to some of the artists that will be featured in it and the layout.  I found out that it is published by a leading magazine publisher in the UK called ipc media. I have also found out that ipc media is  owned by another company called Time inc, which are then owned by Time Warner. Time Warner is the worlds second largest entertainment conglomerate.

I have included the links for each individual company:

 The ipc website has a link to the NME media pack showing who the target audience are and how the magazine appeals to them, from this, I can learn how to produce my magazine and make it appeal to  my target audience appealing . The media pack is full of statistics on it’s readers, and it has enlightened me to the fact that NME is  primarily aimed at men with a large proportion of its readers being male between the ages of 18-25 with the median age being 23. Almost 50% of readers are students and almost 70% being ABC1 this is why NME has gone down the more mature route, producing a fresh and neat layout. The pack tells us that NME readers are also interested in their mobile phones and films – and evidently music. There is a use of quotes from readers, that suggest that they find the information NME provides as being interesting and pleasantly surprising. We are also told that readers rely and trust this magazine to keep them up to date within the music world. There is a clever use of advertisement in NME, and they primarily include clothes, food/drink, cars, gadgets and personal appearance all of which its young mostly male target audience can relate to. From this media pack, I have learnt  that I need to  include up to date information that is interesting and will keep the readers informed, interested and up to date. I will need to create a magazine that they know will provide them with these interesting facts week in week out. Providing unknown information will help keep the readers attention and make my magazine known for something different.

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